17 Sir Modesto Court

Welcome to the Upper Thornhill Estates

Family and friends are at the heart of this home. Flooded with sunlight, this private Sir Modesto home with 4 bedrooms & over 4,000 sf in living space is near new and meticulously maintained. Warm & inviting, this home offers comfort & accommodation by combining great function with dazzling form - enjoy, entertain & live. The exquisite European-style garden blends the surrounding nature with the Tuscany inspired exterior, French elegance interior and the outdoor living space, complete with a sun-drenched gazebo, cozy fireplace & tranquil fountains. It is surrounded by 2 golf courses, multiple green belts and ponds, and is close to the best schools in Ontario.The Sir Modesto - For Friends, Family & You.

家人和朋友將樂於流漣在這個温暖的家, 「莫德斯托爵士」式的楼房,充滿陽光,擁有4間臥室和4,000平方英尺以上的生活空間,靠近清新和雅緻的環境。 這所房子提供舒適住宿,更配合各種設施,使住家盡情感受 歡樂,安定和各式生活情趣。 精美的歐式花園及周圍的自然景觀,與「托斯卡納」風格的外觀,法國優雅的內飾和戶外生活空間融為一體,再配有陽光燦爛的涼亭,舒適的壁爐和寧靜的噴泉。 它被2個高爾夫球場,多個綠化帶和池塘包圍,靠近安大略省最好的學校。「莫德斯托爵士」楼房 - 是為你,你的家人,朋友特別建做。

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Here is What An Evening At Home Looks Like.

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